Aretha or Tina?

In light of the battle between Aretha Franklin and Tina Turner over the royal title of Queen, I have decided to do a little poll of my own. Please use the poll above to place your vote.

In case you were preoccupied with silly news stories like the Dow dropping like a rock or Sarah Palin’s latest legal woes, it would appear that Aretha is quite put off.

In February, Beyonce introduced Tina at the Grammy’s as the queen. Aretha? Not so happy! 

Tina’s comment, “She’s the queen of soul, and I’m the queen of rock ‘n’ roll. There were so many kings and queens there that night. Her ego must be so big to think she was the only one.” She joked, “That’s how queens are!”

Aretha’s comment in USA Today:

“I have always appreciated what Tina Turner has to offer and had quietly cheered her on after Ike and her subsequent success. However, with respect to her statement concerning my ego, clearly she was talking about herself as she described herself as the ‘Queen of Rock’ and saying ‘that’s what Queens do’ — particularly since she does not have a clue as to who I am in view of the fact that we have never met.”

That, my friends is the Diva’s equivalent of ‘I know you are but what am I?” Um, yeh right. Well ladies, let’s be honest. Who really gives a flying…

Well, let’s find out. Please vote above. And send this to all your friends. Perhaps we can solve this ourselves. A reminder, for those who are on email subscriptions and RSS feeds, you will have to visit the site to vote (come on, don’t be so friggin’ lazy, this is important)

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Filed under humor, music, trends

9 responses to “Aretha or Tina?

  1. Liz

    Legend in my own mind. I voted for Aretha since I’m coming back in the next life with her voice.

  2. Ell

    Talk about your girl fights…that’s one I would buy a ticket for!

  3. Lon Levin

    This is an academic vote. It is historic fact that Aretha Franklin is the Queen of Soul because her title is Lady Soul.
    Tina Turner has great legs.

  4. i admire Tina’s tenacity and legs, but Aretha’s song book stomps hers. How many great Turner songs are there? 4-5? Aretha’s are numerous.

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  6. Liz

    Seems your readers are aligned! Fun poll…

  7. Well that last “liz” comment was me. I didn’t log her out before I started my return home! Yikes. It was amazing that she stayed the weekend with my kids. And of course, it’s nice to be home.

  8. Gibs

    Wow…tough call. Aretha might be the Queen (and certainly a Diva) but Tina had a lot more fire and passion….and is a LOT more fun to watch…even in her 60s.

  9. Pingback: Survey says… « Flashfree

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